Single Sentence Flash Fiction: “Flowery”

She made me smell flowery as I hacked her to bits; for all its valiant effort, Glade White Tea & Lily spray a pepper spray does not make. Happy Spookytober! (This totally came from thinking someone was behind me when I glanced in my bathroom mirror, and the only disabling thing nearby was Glade spray.... Continue Reading →

Flash Fiction: “Someone’s Dragon Is Double-Parked Outside”

This week's Flash Fiction Challenge over at TerribleMinds had random Five Word Titles, with the rules of 1500 words. Two stood out to me: "Someone's Dragon is Double-Parked Outside" and "I Shouldn't Have Swiped Right." If I had done the Swipe one, it was going to be a Vampire story, but since the previous one... Continue Reading →

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