Bard Girl Press

When I was about eight years old, I started selling Lisa Frank stickers and erasers to my classmates for 10 and 25 cents each. I made enough money to buy whatever I wanted in the lunch line, or from the Rexall store down the street.

The teachers stopped me when they learned this, not because, “Hey, don’t sell things at school,” but because I was outdoing the school’s store. Sorry, not sorry.

At eleven, I was reading business books, learning how to make money doing things myself. Being an entrepreneur always appealed to me: being self-made, being my own boss, building my kingdom from the ground up with my own two hands. By the end of that summer spent at the library, I knew more about business than most kids my age. Really, more than a lot of teenagers and soon-to-be-adults, too.

I worked hard at every job I got, saving my money, running down a dream, all while putting myself through a private school. I even graduated from college with a Business degree, debt free.

Needless to say, business is kind of my thing.

All of this has led up to where I am now, unveiling my very own publishing imprint, Bard Girl Press!

bgp logo

A unique home for my own books, and in the future, other authors’ wordbirds, too! At Bard Girl Press, misfit isn’t a bad word and Once upon a time gets turned on its head. I can’t wait to show you what the future holds.

[Font face used for logo is BlackCasper by Allen Chiu.]

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